One Rotor Engine

Turn Key One Rotor Engine
Balanced One Rotor EngineAlternator
Oil PanOil Filter Stand & Oil Filter
Throttle BodyThermostat
Fuel RailThermostat Housing
InjectorOil Metering Pump
Fuel Pressure RegulatorOil Metering Pump Line
Throttle Position SensorMagnetic Pickup Sensor
Intake ManifoldCrank Trigger Wheel
Wire HarnessCoils
Stand Alone Computer SystemSpark Plugs
BellhousingSpark Plug Wires
FlywheelPulley & Belt Kit
StarterMisc Brackets & Hardware
Waterpump HousingWaterpump


Oil CoolerAir Filter
Steel Braided Oil Cooler Line KitMarine Parts
Considering putting one in a boat? All you need to do is add a Mount Kit, and an oil and water heat exchanger.
Dimensions & Weight:
Height: 25"
Depth: 22.5"
Width: 22"
Weight: 220lbs
Build Your Own
One Rotor - Rotating Assembly: Shaft, Rotor, Counterweights, Balancing Service
One Rotor - Eccentric Shaft
One Rotor - Tension Bolts
One Rotor - Oil Pan
One Rotor - Intake Manifold
One Rotor - Exhaust Manifold
One Rotor - Marine Exhaust Manifold
One Rotor - Exhaust Flange
One Rotor - Dowel Pins
One Rotor - Bearing Retainer
One Rotor - Front Cover with Dipstick
One Rotor - Oil Heat Exchanger
One Rotor - Water Heat Exchanger
One Rotor - Custom Ignition System
One Rotor - Carbureted & Intake System
One Rotor - Custom Oil Cooler with Line
One Rotor - Oil Metering System
One Rotor - EFI Throttle Body
 Dyno Information

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